Sunday, May 22

[梦呓] Split?

She was told that she is cute, mild, funny, humorous, outgoing, outspoken, confident and smart. Those aren't really lies. But she isn't like that. Not completely.

Through her words not spoken by mouth, through her works which can only be seen with eyes, apart from the outer shell - the inner self of her, is moderately different. Presumably it might remind someone about Newton's Third Law of Motion -
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

But for her case -
For every personality, there is an equal and opposite personality.
It doesn't sound very accurate though. But the concept is rather similar.

She is cute and mild, but she has shown her unpleasant and rebellious ways before.
She is humorous and fun to be with, but she was the one who started the conflicts due to her grate and discordancy.
She is outgoing, but most people didn't know that she would like to be drowned in her own thoughts and her own oasis. Alone.
She is outspoken, although she looks shy, timid and quiet.
She is confident - in most things you'd say? I'd say she is just a coward. She is afraid that people disagree with her, when people distrust her, when people doubt her. And she fears to encounter failures, she fears when everything happens opposing her expectations. Hiding all these, she is confident, to all of you.
She is smart - Well, depends. Whether you will say what she did was stupid or brilliant.

She likes bloody scenes. It's thrilling. Why would a gentle girl like her like bloody and violent scenes?! You'd asked again. (She would say, why wouldn't?)
She likes dolls. Living Dead Dolls. And Chucky (from Child's Play), I guess. But Chucky's dirty. She likes the stitches and sewn mouths or eyes of the dolls too. I wonder if she'll like the big real dolls - corpses, if they were dressed up and sewn that way.

"Split personality?" You'd asked. But it doesn't sound like she has personality disorder, right? Since I am telling you this in such a matter-of-fact tone. Anyway, split personality is different from schizophrenia.
'The popular myth that "split personality" is part of schizophrenia may have arisen because the word "schizophrenia" comes from Greek words meaning "split mind". But the "split" is not referring to "split personality", but rather to the fact that the person is "split from reality".'

Back. I'm not saying that she has a split personality or she is schizophrenic. Hmm...well, she might be. I don't really know her. I was only told that she's like this.

Yeah, I was told.
I was also told that I'm having schizophrenia too. *Giggles* Yeah that's right. Even you won't believe it when you are told that you're suffering from mental disorder, wouldn't you?


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