Wednesday, April 6

[Obsession] As Stable As Benzene

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Manga. Comic. 漫画 (man hua).

I once wondered about my existence. I've always believed that I live for mangas, as life is manga, manga is life. I eat manga, play manga, bathe with manga and sleep with manga. Just kidding. I just read manga, draw manga, talk manga, sing manga, and probably, from others observations, i act manga-ish too. (Did I?)

I used to spent most of my pocket money on mangas. And used manga to measure prices. For example, If I have RM30 that week, I would've spend 5/6 of it, that is RM25 on mangas. The other RM5 goes to my bus fare and some food. If I see a set lunch on a menu priced RM16.90, my mind will be telling me, "Hmm, that's the price of 3 to 4 mangas. Are you sure you're going to order that? Why not just save it for your precious mangas?" "'re right......all"

I wouldn't look at any food, accessories, books, food, clothes, toys, eyes were specified just to look for mangas. I danced and jumped for mangas. I cried and laughed hysterically for mangas. I sneered at those who discriminate mangas. I would even
die for manga.

Well...guess that was history. I still enjoy mangas and animes. Still keeping track of the new mangas. I'm learning how to draw, how the authors express their ideas and themes, how they brought out the suspense, how they plot the story...etc. I think the structure of benzene is best to describe my love for mangas now - stable yet unsaturated.


Anonymous Anonymous murmured...

You're moving on from manga. It's still important but no longer a nessecity. Just like cartoons is no longer important.

And you talk like a true science student. I'm proud of you mumz!

April 09, 2005 8:19 pm  

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