Tuesday, September 27

[Life] My Prejudice

It has been more than two years, staying under the same roof with her.

I don't hate her but I just dislike her. She did nothing big enough for me to hate her. But I know we're just different in the way we think. And I could say that I hate the way she thinks. Most of the time. It could really piss me off sometimes. I wonder how my face look like when I got pissed. But I know it's not that bad, because I did conserved my anger a little for those times. I still respect myself.

She's not that bad, she's a good girl I know and he likes her for some reason. I thought I was jealous because he tells stories to her instead of me. But then I found out it was the way she talked. I'm being subjective here - Why geminis often hurt people unintentionally? (You know who you are, and you should know if you're not one of them.)

You're walking on the streets in the rain. Other people are holding umbrellas. "Splish splash" says the puddles of water. Someone suddenly bumps into you with his umbrella. "Ouch" you say because it's painful and you feel like yelling at him. But you found out that he just walks past you like nothing happened. He doesn't know. And what can you do? Catch up and give him a slap?

I didn't do anything. I just wanted to avoid conflicts.

Actually I still remember the painful moments. How could you say that? How could you joke about something like this? How could you do this in front of us? I'm unable to make things clearer to you, like giving examples of her words because it would be a very long story.

But I could say that, I'm still not ready to accept her as a part of my family. We're like electrons of the same charge, although we look like we have a lot in common, but electrons of the same charge repel each other.

I'm sorry.

(They're actually sitting next to me by the time I'm typing this. Maybe I did want them to know. But their eyes aren't on my monitor.)


Anonymous Anonymous murmured...

Aren't electrons only negatively charged? ;p

Well, I didn't really know how to react when my brother's girlfriend was around. But she (or should I say they) always treat me really nicely. Too nicely, in fact. It feels weird. I never talk to them about serious stuff. Or I never talk to them unless they talk to me. They try to talk to me but I sort of distant myself from them cause I feel like they're so like strangers but trying to be good friends with you suddenly. I know I'm terrible

They take loads of time off my brother which he used to bring me to pasar malams or shopping centres. But, what can you do? He's just growing, needs to start a family with someone he really likes. My mother can't stand them as well and always gets all grumpy and kaboom! War starts with him and my mum. I guess its better to just leave him alone.

I'm being irrelevant here ain't I?

September 29, 2005 12:46 am  
Blogger lili murmured...

Yes you are.
But I wouldn't mind you sharing your experience.

Okay. Electrons and positrons. Turn into Gamma rays after annihilation.

September 29, 2005 4:13 pm  

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